Year End Machine Buying

Machine Buying Time
89361882 – new year 2018 goals, target or checklist concept as number 2018 wooden cube block with sandglass and white paper note with pencil on wooden table.

As the end of 2018 approaches many of our customers are looking to make a decision on whether to move forward on that new equipment purchase or not.  If you’ve gotten to that point you’re likely feeling the pressure of the days ticking by, and the opportunity to get a machine delivered before year end is beginning to slip away.  There are some definite economic advantages to moving quickly as we get into the 4th quarter.

Machine Availability – as the year winds down many equipment manufacturers will run out of inventory and be unable to deliver certain units.  Understand that for many manufacturers’ decisions about ordering components have to be made 6-9 months ahead of time.  They do their best to forecast which sizes and accessories they anticipate selling and then place orders for long lead time parts.  This is of course more of an art than a science, and in many scenarios there will be certain machines that simply can no longer be built at the end of the year.

Machine Discounts – There are always great year end deals available.  For tax purposes no manufacturer wants to end up stuck with a tremendous amount of inventory, so they begin offering price discounts to move things along.  This will most certainly move sales of those units along quickly but for those customers that wait into November there is a good chance those discounted units will be sold out for the year. You could end up taking delivery in 2019 and potentially paying a higher price.

Installation Scheduling – typically sales go crazy in September and October in order to get machines delivered before the end of the calendar year, but there are only so many installation technicians available.  This means customers who wait to order until later will end up with a shiny new machine sitting on their floor, but no tech available to do the installation until 2019.  We all know that the goal is to start making money off that new machine as soon as possible, which requires a timely installation.

Tax Incentives – after a conversation with the tax consultant many business owners find that they’re going to need to spend money or lose it in taxes.  New equipment purchases are able to provide significant tax benefits to many of our customers.  However in order to qualify for these tax benefits, machinery must be on the buyer’s floor before the end of the year.  Definitely something you want to discuss soon with your tax expert before it’s too late to take advantage.

The team from Brooks Associates will work with you to determine which machine fits your needs the best, we’ll work out the best year end pricing options and negotiate on your behalf with the manufacturer to get a prompt delivery and installation.  We’re committed to having our customers running hard right out of the gate in 2019.