Brooks Associates Reshoring WorkShop Event

Reshoring EventReshoring is about bringing back work that has been outsourced to countries with less expensive labor cost like China, Korea, Taiwan and India to name a few. In the manufacturing sector, molds, stamping dies, assembly and production parts have been sent overseas to these mentioned countries. In doing so, many American manufacturing jobs are lost to what some view as unfair global competition. It’s good business to make products at the lowest possible cost. However, when all the cost elements such as transportation cost, duties, taxes, quality and communication problems are added up, the cost to have parts made in the U.S. can be the better and more affordable solution.

To better understand how manufacturing companies can benefit from re-shoring, Brooks Associates will host a free reshoring workshop at their Norwell, MA headquarters on October 19, 2011. The workshop will feature Harry Moser as the keynote speaker. Harry Moser is the Founder of the Reshoring Initiative, which focuses on bringing work and jobs back to America. Workshop participants will receive and learn how to use tools that the Reshoring Initiative has developed to help customers understand their Total Cost of Ownership.

RSVP to our Reshoring WorkShop

All are invited to this free event. For more information and to RSVP click here.