Accuracy Considerations for 5-axis Machines and Machining

One of the fastest growing segments of machine tool consumption and sales is that of 5-axis machining centers.

Whether it is the attempt to “get it done in one” or just due to part complexity, more manufacturers and machine shops are considering 5 axis machines to improve their capability and competitive edge. Machine tool builders and sales organizations are very frequently confronted with the question, “Can you hold these tolerances on this part on this 5-axis machine?” At faced value, the part tolerances may be well within stated machine accuracies, if only on linear and rotary specifications. However, there are many more factors at play as the number of axes increases on a machine tool.

CCAT Advanced Manufacturing Center and Brooks Associates will be hosting an informative seminar entitled Accuracy Considerations for 5-axis Machines and Machining on Feb. 26, 2014 to help educate the prospective 5-axis end-user, to make them aware of these considerations so they may appropriately tender their expectations, and prepare accordingly for 5-axis machining. A Hurco VMX30Ui machine will be on site for demonstrations. Register now at