Yama Seiki Bridge Type Machining Centers
Get your Yama Seiki bridge type machining centers from Brooks Associates.

HTP Series
Super Rigid Bridge Type Machining Centers
The highly rigid HTP series is equipped with a high torque spindle for outstanding heavy cutting performance. It can easily increase the chip removal rate, reduce cycle time and complete tough material machining easily.
LG Series
Gantry Type Machining Center
Introducing Yama Seiki with mature manufacturing abilities and advanced technology skills, the LG series gantry type machining center combines gantry type structure with adjustable crossbeam mechanism, strong horse power and high rigidity features, to provide you with a complete machining solution for extra large work pieces. It has been widely used in aerospace, shipbuilding, energy and machine tools industries.
The LG series could be equipped with automatic head changer and vertical / horizontal ATC system to provide maximum efficiency as of a 5-face machining center.
Complete product line with full range specifications, the LG series could be equipped with self-developed milling heads, automatic head storage magazine and vertical / horizontal ATC system to provide high added cutting capabilities for large work pieces.

LP Series
Ultra Performance Bridge Type Machining Center
Representing Yama Seiki’s “The royal family of bridge machines” of mature manufacturing abilities and advanced technology skills, the SP and LP series bridge type vertical machining centers combine strong spindle power and high rigidity structure along with high quality automation equipments and full product line to provide you with high efficiency, high productivity machining strategies; it can be broadly applied in the automotive, precision mold, aerospace and energy industries., etc.
The LP series can be equipped with an automatic head changer and vertical / horizontal ATC system which turns into a 5-face machining center providing more cutting flexibility to meet your demands of today and tomorrow.
SP Series
Ultra Performance Bridge Type Machining Center
Representing Yama Seiki’s “The royal family of bridge machines” of mature manufacturing abilities and advanced technology skills, the SP series bridge type vertical machining centers combine strong spindle power and high rigidity structure along with high quality automation equipments and full product line to provide you with high efficiency, high productivity machining strategies; it can be broadly applied in the automotive, precision mold, aerospace and energy industries., etc.

VP Series
Ultra Performance Bridge Type Machining Center
Representing Yama Seiki’s “The royal family of bridge machines” of mature manufacturing abilities and advanced technology of innovation, the VP series bridge type vertical machining centers combine advanced concept of design and stable machine structure provide you the ultimate machining performance at the most compact floor space. It is one of the most cost-effective models. All series are adopted with modular design, the full product line provides you high performance, high productivity machining solutions to meet your demands of today and tomorrow. It can be broadly applied in the automotive, precision die & mold, aerospace, and energy industries., etc.
VP-HS Series
High Speed Bridge Type Machining Center
The AWEA VP-HS series high speed bridge type machining centers are designed for high precision parts as required by the mold industry. We implement cutting-edge R&D techniques and stringent assembly procedures in the construction of the VP-HS series, making its mechanical rigidity, machining accuracy, and productivity superior.

HD Series
Super Rigidity Bridge Type Machining Center
Based on superior rigidity structure combined with powerful spindle output and well featured key components accomplish the HD series to achieve outstanding heavy cutting capability.