Fryer Custom Machines
Fryer custom machines are designed for a customer’s unique task or group of tasks and cost effectiveness. We use our standard frames as building blocks for these custom solutions. In this way, we build machines for significantly less money that gives the customer exceptional productivity over a general purpose machine tool. Our engineering expertise allows us to provide the customer with a complete turnkey solution. Fryer has significant experience with milling, drilling, laser, process automation and custom fixtures.

Traveling Column Horizontal Machining Center
This traveling column horizontal machining center was designed to work the ends of long custom made drive shafts. The fixed table is positioned perpendicular to the horizontal spindle allowing for easy fixturing and set-up. The highly rigid 50 taper construction provides high metal removal rates for even the toughest material.
Key Machine Features
- 40″ x 24″ x 24″ travels
- Heavy duty 50 taper spindle
- Large capacity 40 Tool arm type tool changer
- Can be custom configured for a variety of applications
- Offered with either Siemens or Fanuc control

Turn-Grind Center ID
Fryer’s innovative solution combines a turning center lathe with an ID grinder. High accuracy and automated operation for turning, grinding and dressing.
Key Machine Features
- GE Fanuc 21i Control
- Custom macro programs
- Precise 20,000 RPM high speed ID grinding spindle
- Automatic dressing fixture for grinding spindle
- Abrasive material protection package
- High accuracy glass scales
- Coolant filtration system

Gun Barrel Turning Center
This custom gun barrel turning center is designed for threading and chambering operations on the end of gun barrels.
Key Machine Features
- Automatic clamping with barrel stop
- High volume thru spindle coolant system 4th axis rotary table
- 12 station automatic turret
- Custom programmed cycles